The Secret of Money
Author-Bodhi, Money, Spending, Gifting Susan Berg Author-Bodhi, Money, Spending, Gifting Susan Berg

The Secret of Money

 The day we realize the true significance of “dana” donations or gifting, we start to feel different.  Dana, giving, opens our blocked channels, for it soothes the hearts of those who are in pain, the beneficiaries. 

After fulfilling your needs look out for opportunities to serve your community in wiping tears of those who are in pain. Sharing with those who are in dire need. Your money will bring boons to you, for you are fulfilling the Wish of God. Recycle right and it grows. Hoard it and it shrinks and suffocates! 
Make money the doorway to heavenly peace ,that is its sole purpose!! The Secret!!

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Nature, Our Most Compassionate Teacher

Nature, Our Most Compassionate Teacher

In the silence of my mind, I see God in Nature with every exquisite form! Everything is so uniquely beautiful! At that moment of peace, I ask God, why did you create religions? Why did you not make man worship only Nature? We would have no man-made doctrines, only universal laws that harmonize all that is diverse with that single thread of Prana, our breaths. We wouldn’t have fought wars in the name god and religion. We wouldn’t have killed each other to satisfy some unknown god! We could have learned only from Nature, our One teacher who gives us wisdom and love and sustains us all, unconditionally.

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A Flower Is Happy to Be a Flower
Enlightenment, Author-Bodhi Bodhi Enlightenment, Author-Bodhi Bodhi

A Flower Is Happy to Be a Flower

There is no distance between you and God other than your fear and worries, which are creations of the ego. As you practice self giving, surrender and consecrating all actions to the Divine Doer, true flowering happens. The material flower, however beautiful, dies and withers away. The Flowering of Buddha, of pure consciousness in the heart of the seeker, never dies. Time has no function in the eternally flowering consciousness. We all are born to be that Flower!

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No "Junk Foods" - No "Junk News"!
Author-Bodhi, Mindfulness Bodhi Author-Bodhi, Mindfulness Bodhi

No "Junk Foods" - No "Junk News"!

We need to be very careful about the news feed either through social network or news channels. We forget we don't only eat through our mouth but through our eyes and ears. Junk food = junk body, junk news feed = junk mind. If we eat the news through our eyes and ears, we are mostly ingesting the worst toxins into our mind and polluting our body. Let us never forget—every poison collected through our senses is dumped in our mind and we feel miserable.

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The Religion of Consciousness
Author-Bodhi, Mindfulness Bodhi Author-Bodhi, Mindfulness Bodhi

The Religion of Consciousness

A seeker asked me the other day, “Bodhi, what do you think is the biggest challenge for all of us?” The Mother in my heart spoke: “To constantly remember yourself”! We remember many things belonging to the past and worry about many things related to the unknown future, but don’t forget to question: who is the thinker? who is the doer? and who is the one happy or unhappy?

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Light Only Light!
Author-Bodhi Bodhi Author-Bodhi Bodhi

Light Only Light!

May we find reasons to fill our mind with vibrations of joy and smiles; it is only when we are happy, we can share vibrations of happiness with those who come in touch with us! We are not physical beings but vibrational beings of Light and Love! May we meditate on this reality to give and attract the best in our life.

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The Art of Mindful Living
Mindfulness, Author-Bodhi Bodhi Mindfulness, Author-Bodhi Bodhi

The Art of Mindful Living

Life has its own pristine flow that is simple and blissful. But modern civilization has taken us away from nature. We have created our own habitat of concrete jungles all over the world. We also have become subservient to machines, conveniences and electronic devices. Humankind has been losing contact with nature, and this has created a huge gap between our head and heart.

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