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How do you know you are advancing in the spiritual field? One simple yardstick! The calmer you mind, purer your mind. Purer your mind, simpler your mind. Simpler your mind you tend to be naturally humbled! Humility will be the hallmark of your character. Spirituality and ego mindset don’t go together. Hence, watch out, let not your egoic language hurt anyone! It will come back to you.
- Bodhi
Compassion brings its most powerful blessings to the heart in which it is born. Being compassionate toward another, you are first and foremost being generous and kind to yourself. Compassion’s sweet energies first wash through your own heart, filling your mind, renewing and magnifying the life of your spirit. It is only then they flow out to the other person and ultimately into the world.
- Bodhi
Who is a Yogi? Yogi is one who understands the limitations of this individual, of individuality. Yogi is one who understands falseness, who penetrates falsehood, and goes into the dimension of Reality.
- Bodhi
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