All Oneness

“The world looks so beautiful when man-made divisions dissolve creating space for unity in diversity and manifest humanity as One universal family. The Vedas talk of this as 'Vasudaiva Kutumbakam' or the world is one family.”

We are lonely when we feel cut off from others because our mind thinks we are lonely. Now we can have a chance to pause, be with our self and ponder what is truly important in life. Confronted with a time alone we realize that loneliness and aloneness are not the same. Aloneness is when we are alone, but not lonely; being alone offers the best quality time to be with ourselves.

In essence, we are never alone. It is only on the surface, at the periphery, that we see the world of randomness, but deep at the root, life is in perfect harmony and balance. The Divine designer has designed this unique creation with LOVE and connected everything; nothing is separated from the other. The level where matter and energy play the dance of creativity is the quantum level, the root of the tree of life.

If we want to experience the Oneness of this Divine Play, we need to water the root of the Tree of Life. We can do this by observing our physical sensations and rhythm of breath as the light of consciousness rewires our brain neurons to gift us health and inner wellness. When we are healthy in body and mind, life flows in its melody of symphony and that is peace. Let us not waste our time seeking to quell our loneliness by seeking peace and happiness outside of us; let us first find where we lost it inside, and then all is well in a state of oneness where the inner and the outer merge into Oneness. This is the state of meditation.

To reach meditative oneness we can inhale and say, 'I am healed', exhale and say 'I am Whole', and feel our heart responding to these affirmations of truth. Then we feel healed, healthy, and happy. We feel our expansive Oneness with all that exists as we say 'May all be healthy’; 'May all be healed'. Loneliness then falls away as we begin to experience this state of Oneness.

Through meditation practice, we see the Infinite intelligence of this subtle world that is One though manifested as many. The Yogis and Enlightened Masters reach to that state of seeing with the vision of Intuition the Oneness of all that is manifested and then what remains with them is the Love and Love and Compassion for all that is in this universe. 
Then they don't love as we do now, then Love happens as breath happens. Love is the all-enveloping energy; it never discriminates but unites all fragmentations into Oneness.

~~Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa


Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari, better known as Bodhi is a living teacher and humanitarian who translates the eternal Vedic teachings and principles into actions that embody the feeling heart. Founder of Stress Management Academy, his Simple Art of Managing Stress and Course in Mindfulness Programs are known worldwide, inspiring corporate leadership, students and spiritual seekers alike.


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